Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spring Salad

First things first: We have a high of 86 degrees here today! I am so excited!!

This salad reminds me that Spring is just about here, so that's what I'm calling it today. I just had to post this because it was pretty and it was so good! Salad's not really a recipe, I know, but I want to make sure I make this dressing again. I looked at a few random recipes on the internet, but wound up with my own concoction. I post recipes just because they're fun to share and so that I can have a place to store them and remember them! Hope you enjoy some of them too. This would be great in the summertime....strawberries are just about here in full swing!!

My salad combination:
romaine lettuce
toasted almonds
sliced strawberries
sliced mushrooms
shredded Mozzarella
strawberry vinaigrette

Strawberry Vinaigrette
¼ c olive oil
½ c sliced strawberries
1 T balsamic vinegar
2 cranks of fresh ground pepper (a couple dashes of regular?)
1/8 t salt
1/8 t basil
1 T Splenda

Combine in food processor. Chill before serving over salad.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

First things first: JEALOUS of your weather! And the salad looks delicious!